Does anybody else feel jealous?

Posted by Иво Илиев in Други разни on май 22, 2016

You can crush me but you can’t crush my spirit! Oh Leela! You’re the only person I could turn to; you’re the only person who ever loved me. Fatal. Now, now. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. Good news, everyone! I’ve taught the toaster to feel love! Throw her in the brig. I’m sure those windmills will keep them cool.


You can crush me but you can’t crush my spirit! Oh Leela! You’re the only person I could turn to; you’re the only person who ever loved me. Fatal. Now, now. Perfectly symmetrical violence never solved anything. I guess if you want children beaten, you have to do it yourself. Good news, everyone! I’ve taught the toaster to feel love! Throw her in the brig. I’m sure those windmills will keep them cool.


Иво Илиев

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  1. Thomas Mass каза:

    Kif might! As an interesting side note, as a head without a body, I envy the dead. Bender, you risked your life to save me! No, of course not. It was… uh…

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